Monday, August 28, 2006

Things I didn't expect about Muenchen

2 days remaining and i'll be back to Cairo .. I'll definitely miss everything here..

The top 9 things I didn't expect about Muenchen are:

  1. Timings: Who said germans are punctual more than any other on the planet ? They're not.. they're normal.. even sometimes the train or the bus can be late for 10 minutes !
  2. People: They ARE generous ! and helpful ! Do you believe it ? I still don't !
  3. "G"irls: Girls are the exception. 'G'irls are the normal.
  4. Language: They're not tightly bound to their language, they don't mind speaking in English (unless they don't know), at all !
  5. Asians: They're almost more than the germans !
  6. Services: Computer Services suck ! You cannot get a trivial problem solved here.
  7. Cleanliness: Rooms can be as dirty as in Egypt, don't believe me ? Check Willi-Graf Str., 17
  8. Pedestrians: I was amazed to see them not always stopping for the red traffic light! It's not very common but I have seen it quite few times, and I thought I would never see it.
  9. Smokers: The ratio is much below what I expected.

Personally I have changed my idea about the german character 120 degrees!

"A guest sees more in an hour than the host in a year." - Polish proverb

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